Elon Musk Fires Back At Fortune Magazine Something Deeply Misanthropic About These People For Saying Pronatalism Is A Ponzi Scheme

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Elon Musk Slams Fortune Magazine: 'Something Misanthropic About Saying 'Pronatalism Is A Ponzi Scheme''

Elon Musk has hit back at Fortune magazine after it called pronatalism, the belief that having children is essential for a successful society, a "Ponzi scheme".

In a series of tweets, Musk said that the magazine's comments were "deeply misanthropic" and that they showed a "fundamental misunderstanding of the human condition".

Musk, who has ten children, said that pronatalism is "not a Ponzi scheme" but rather "a fundamental aspect of human nature".

He added that the magazine's comments were "out of touch with reality" and that they showed a "complete lack of understanding of the human condition".

Musk's comments come after Fortune published an article titled "The Ponzi Scheme of Pronatalism", which argued that having children is a "bad investment" and that it is "not necessary for a successful society".

The article's author, Laura Ingraham, argued that pronatalism is a "scam" and that it is "used to justify all sorts of harmful policies, such as restrictions on abortion and contraception".